
I've set up this blog so that all my friends, relations and colleagues in the world of writing can keep up to speed with what I'm doing - from now on, I'll never have to say sorry for not keeping in touch.

Or anyway, that's the plan.

So do please link up with me on Facebook and Twitter - https://www.facebook.com/margaret.james.5268 and https://twitter.com/majanovelist

You can find my novels as digital downloads on Apple iTunes, Kobo, Kindle and Nook, and most are available as print paperbacks, too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rising from the dead

I've been chatting to some writing friends about resurrecting old novels which are quietly mouldering in folders somewhere, or are fast asleep on hard drives. I'm beginning to think that just about every published novelist must have two or three rotting skeletons in his or her cupboard. I don't have any myself, but that's probably because I don't like untidiness and tend to do what I tell all my creative writing students not to do - I throw things away.

If we can bear to keep unpublished novels, we should probably do so. If the one I'm writing at the moment doesn't sell, I'm going to tie it up in scarlet ribbons and put it somewhere safe for my children to find when they are sorting out my estate one day - then they can throw it away...

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